Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Hoosier Mushrooms

Southern Indiana has seen a lot of rain over the last few months...or as the weather radio has stated "we will have above average amounts of rainfall". As a result of that rainfall, I believe is why we are seeing so many mushrooms pop up on the forest floor. 

While doing our routine site cleaning yesterday after the mass exodus of people from the 4th of July, I came across four different colored mushrooms. I do not know what kind they are, but I do like the different textures and colors they produce. Pretty to look at and most likely not good to eat.
All taken with iPhone 5.


Thursday, July 04, 2013

Walking a trail yesterday morning...

Yesterday on our day off, Jonathan and I decided to walk a trail near the park. It's a bit off the beaten path which we really like! There are many places in and around Lake Monroe that are known for geode hunting. We just happened to find the mother load of geode caches. The water must help in washing them up to the surface as they were all around the water areas along our trail. 

In the photo below, you may be able to see them. They are usually white, round and bumpy all around loaded with crystals too. The more bling the better! Many of them were very large and heavy...and yes, I and my husband each carried one back to our RV. 

Later that afternoon, I found this spiny oakworm moth on one of the bathhouse doors. Click the link above to learn more about them. I love learning about new critters...and that includes bugs. Moths are just as pretty as butterflies, in my opinion.

I have an album on EyeEm called Hardin Ridge Campground if you are interested in seeing more photos taken here in the park. =)

Monday, July 01, 2013

Rain Rain Go Away!!

It has rain/poured just about everyday it seems here lately. The first day of July while up at the gatehouse, I took this photo of all the rain pouring down the road. Some areas close by got 3-4 inches of rain on this day!

Later that evening, after more rain, I and a friend went down to the beach and snapped this pic. It wasn't till I looked at the photo on my computer that I noticed a faint rainbow in the upper left corner. The sky always looks interesting after it storms...makes the colors more bold too.

Here is a random pic taken while I was going over the bridge (side note: I only do this when there is no traffic coming toward me) toward Bloomington last week. Again, more storms were hovering around that day also. What are the odds, right? ;) I like cloud and sky pictures, clearly.