Sunday, June 09, 2013

Found a fawn today...

Yesterday one of our campers told us that while on his off trail walk he and his pit bull came across a small fawn. It seems there was a fawn with two other deer nearby and the dog found the little one hunkered down in some leaves. The dog sat down between the other deer and the fawn as if to be protecting it. The owner had let him off leash to run a few minutes (while owner was present) and when the dog wasn't returning right away, he discovered the fawn and the reason behind it all.

Well today, Rob, the pit owner, came to our RV to let us know that the fawn was across the road from his camping area which is a good distance from where they had seen it the day before. He believes that the fawn tracked the scent of his pit bull back to their camping area. When we went to the area it was located this is what we found. 

Just life in the woods.

It looks like it has been injured because of all the flies on the hind quarters. We tried to corner it with the small retention wall on the opposite side, but the little guy was able to get over it on the second attempt. Whatever the injury, it doesn't seem to keep it from moving...and quickly. I thought for a minute we'd be able to move it to a better location as the park has been busy with activity this weekend, but it had other plans and scampered into the woods.

My daughter was able to find some rehab sites by county listing for the state of Indiana so if the fawn comes back, I'll see if we can get it some assistance.

I, like so many, have heard all the stories of pit bulls and not in the best of light. I for one and an advocate of there are no bad breeds...just bad owners. This particular pit was very sweet and very well trained. Kudos to this dog owner!

Last night the fawn came back to the area, but sadly it was too weak to last the night. Last night I was able to call a rehab facility here in Monroe County, but they are out of private funding and were unable to help.

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